I am not your contemporary nurse that will offer you TUMS for indigestion or acid reflux. I would want to know what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner first. Then, I would suggest having figs for a start. 

I will not talk you into having bariatric surgery if you want to lose weight. Nor will I tell you to eat meat for protein and drink milk for calcium. Definitely will not lead you to buy expensive probiotics from the market, rather teach you how to make your own kimchi, sauerkraut or water kefir instead. Would you buy fish oil when you can pick purslane for free and enjoy it in your salad?

My experience

I remember buying TUMS in bulk and my husband will always have Immodium whenever we go for a vacation. When TUMS was not enough, my doctor prescribed Zantac, which did not help. So, he changed it to Prilosec. It had so many side effects. Went back to him and he said I drink too much coffee. Went to another doctor and he told me it was allergies and referred me to another specialist. 

They did couple of tests and found I’m allergic to maple. Oh dear! We have ten acres of maple and we have been living there for years. Got me all confused….


My husband got me into yoga where they did a “detox”. After we did it, I was glowing, I even got younger looking. I felt so much better and realized that my health issues were gone. Did not need all those pills anymore.

Cleansing is like having a new self, a healthier version of you. You begin to see the world in a brighter way. 

Started to question.....

I wondered why did I get sick? I eat organic food, plant my garden, not drink soda, do not eat fast food at all. Gosh, don’t even have a microwave! I take live probiotic capsules, cook my own food, try to exercise and drink water.

Herb journey

So every birthday, every Christmas, I would ask for books. Man, I don’t even want to sleep! Its like waking up from a slumber. Threw away all cleaning chemicals and started to make my own. Learned how to make soaps, salves, creams, toothpaste, shampoo, capsules, infusions…..anything herb related. I shared it with my family and friends and found positive results. It was so humbling and rewarding when somebody got healed with these herbs. 


The secret is in the cleanse, the power in the herbs!


Obsessed with gardening, getting to know and care for my herbs. Like a kid, it was so exciting to see a plant grow from a seed. No words can explain the joy of walking with plants, brushing through a patch of mint and smelling it around, butterflies and hummingbirds touching your skin. Eating fresh spring weeds and summer flower salads or picking and drying your own herbs and making something from them. So much to offer and the possibilities are endless!


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