Would you like to make your own face oil? It is not rocket science to make it. Its just combining different carrier oils and concentrated oils customized for your own specific needs. Our skin gets the brunt of it everyday from the sun, wind, synthetic products we subject it to. Deemed as the largest organ outside our body, it is our first line of defense. It does not allow anything unnecessary to go inside, like an armor, so we have to equip it with the full gamut.

Plant oils

There are numerous plant oils to choose from. They marry with our skin better than synthetic oils. Oils are needed by our skin as it gets depleted daily making it vulnerable to crisis and our defenses weak. It may sound complicated to figure out what type of skin we have but it does change, with different factors to consider like weather, age, season, topography, what you eat and how healthy you are inside and out. As the largest organ, it is a mirror of our insides. It is also where our body would dump toxins if proper channels of elimination, like our liver and kidneys, are blocked.

Carrier oils


From the kernels of the apricot tree, this oil penetrates readily with a fruity aroma. An unsaturated, highly emollient oil which is lighter in weight and texture than almond oil but has a slightly higher composition of omega 6 essential fatty acid. This oil is good for sensitive skin, including infants, as well as mature skin.


An all purpose, effective emollient, light to medium weight oil and penetrates skin easily. Derived from the ripened kernel of sweet almond, pressed and processed. It can be used for all skin types, especially itchy skin due to dryness.


Also known as the alligator pear, the fruit has been cultivated since 900 A.D. The oil us pressed from the seed of the fruit, with vitamins A, B1, B2 and E, including amino acids, lecithin and essential fatty acids making it good in soothing dry, dehydrated, damaged and mature skin. Because it has a heavy emollient texture, it takes longer to be absorbed but leaves a protective barrier on the skin to aid in moisture evaporation. It has high contents of unsaturated fatty and essential acids, helping to improve the tone, texture and appearance of the skin.


Similar to our own sebum, the seed has 45-55% liquid wax. It supports the skins’ natural oil production, highly emollient and penetrating but leaves no residue. With its natural antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties, it does not turn rancid and requires no refrigeration, helping extend the shelf life of other lipids. does not clog pores with its non occlusive, non greasy moisture control, making it an excellent oil for all skin types.


Extra virgin olive oil is from the first pressing of ripe olives, producing a deep green, relatively stable and moderately heavy oil. It is rich in oleic acid, omega 9 fatty acid, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. As a humectant, it attracts moisture into the skin. It can be used by itself or blended with lighter textured oils. It helps condition the skin with its gentle antiseptic and stimulant properties.


Known as “Queensland nuts” originating in Australia, is an emollient similar to the chemical make up of our skin. This light to medium textured oil has a nutty aroma, complements as a fragrance fixative. It is high in monounsaturated fatty acids supporting and moisturizing healthy skin. It aids in moisture loss, softens stretch marks and scar tissues.

Basic face oil recipe

Now that we know our carrier oils, all we have to do is design a base mixture of carrier oil, add some concentrated oils and/or essential oils and an antioxidant.

Let’s do it!


  • 1/2 cup Apricot kernel oil
  • 10 drops Macadamia nut oil
  • 4 drops Pumpkin seed oil
  • 5 drops Carrot seed oil
  • 2 drops vitamin E oil
  • 2 drops Lavender essential oil


  1. Combine apricot and macadamia oil in a dark, amber glass bottle using a dropper or a funnel.
  2. Add pumpkin and carrot seed oil
  3. Add the vitamin E and lavender essential oil
  4. Shake for 2 minutes and let sit for 24chours.
  5. Use by applying to a clean face and store in a dry, dark place.
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